Book Your Stay
As an owner, you can book your own stays directly from our website.
Login to your account by clicking the Login link in the top right corner of any page on our website and entering your email address and password.
Once in your account, click the Rentals tab.
Above the left corner of the rentals table, click the
On the Create a New Inquiry page, make sure the Owner Stay option is selected and click the NEXT button.
On the Book My Stay page, click the Arrival box and select your Arrival Date. Repeat the steps for the Departure Date. Enter the remaining information. If by chance you're stay is tentative, click the Booking Status drop down and select Pending. A status of Pending means the dates are still available for others to inquire about. A status of Checked-in means the dates will be marked in red and unavailable for others to book.
Additionally, If there are any notes you would like to send to the cleaning team, simply enter the comments in the Question or Comments field. This is a good way to inform the staff that you plan to clean the place yourself after your departure or you would like them to schedule a cleaning for you.
That's all there is to it. Your stay is now booked and an email has been sent to your cleaning staff.